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  • And 5 years ago Al Gore said the artic ice would be melted and NYC would be underwater...
    Does that mean DeBlasio will have to find another city to turn into Detroit like Coleman Young did?
    Do you think Al Gore will give his Nobel prize back soon?

      • Other than timing, was Gore WRONG? What are you denying?

        How much debt did the crossdresser leave by moving the hookers to 10th ave from Times Square?

        How much real progress did Bloomberg make? I mean OTHER THAN pepper spraying the people his best friends and clients bilked with Bush's help and guidance?

          • Arctic ice isn't melted, Gore will still be wrong 100 years from now, and the theory you Eco-Leftists have turned into a religion is circling the drain.

            Sorry, no Eco-Leftism in the US for you. But hey, the EU loves people like you (famous Collectivist Lenin referred to you as "useful idiots") and Delta is ready when you are. If you'll take 10 Eco-Leftists with you, I might even crowd source funding for your one-way tickets out of my altruistic empathy for you misanthropes.

              • TED: Paul Gilding: The Earth is Full

                  • Arctic ice isn't melted? Is that what your eyes tell you?


                    How in the world do you hope to mislead people when you say something so obviously false? Who would pay a propagandist so incompetent?

                      • That's right, Polly. All the Arctic ice is not melted, as predicted by one of your many Priests, Al Gore.

                        My comment relates to BJ's comment at the start of the thread.

                        Careful, Polly. Call me too many disparaging names and I might track you down and put eco-Leftists' Michael Mann tactics to work against you.

                        Go have another cracker. You just repeat yourself and have nothing to add to this discussion. Everybody sees through your attempts to vilify your opponents.

                          • I think we should resettle Carbonicus and his ilk in Key West, and then blow up the 7 mile bridge. When the ocean waves make it to the middle of town and their screaming starts, we'll all have a nice laugh.

                              • I second that motion
                                and add that his Hillbilly Clan also be sent along with him for company. We are
                                not heartless. We want to drown all the hillbillies and not just Carbon Head
                                guy...ooops, meant "Carbonicus" - the limp dick leader of his aboriginal
                                snake worshiping tribe of dipshits. Are you some kind of Transformer worshipper
                                with that tag name? Sounds like a name a 8 year old boy might dream up to hide
                                himself from his classmates after they realize how "special" he is.
                                He still thinks when his dad pisses on his head that the yellow rain is God...or
                                is it Jesus? Hard to know with you backward thinking shit eaters, as to which
                                imaginary specter you cling to for your understanding of the world.

                                  • Don, you did a good job attacking him. Did you want to add something about the fact that there is no Global Warming? It's called weather. If you look back in history, it has been cold in Texas before. No big shock there. But, calling names works for 5 grades so I guess it's fitting for you.

                                    • I presume from your screen name that you are a Canadian.

                                      I presume from your comments that you live in either Montreal, Toronto, or Vancouver.

                                      I spend a week every year in Saskatchewan, hunting waterfowl and upland birds. Some of the finest people on the planet there.

                                      But you big-city Canadians are just like our American eco-Leftists. Full of name calling, absent facts.

                                      Your name calling just confirms you know nothing and are unable to debate a matter in a civil fashion. This is why you eco-Leftists are losing on the policy front.

                                      • I hope you take embarrassment well.

                                          • Works for me. Great fishing. I have a boat so your blowing up the 7 mile bridge will be a problem for FL tourism and will land you in jail for domestic terrorism, but it won't affect my mobility or fishing at all.

                                            Do as you please.

                                              • How dare you suggest that! All the wonderful innocent Key Westers do not deserve to suffer with him. In fact they do not deserve to suffer by HAVING him with them until the sea covers the island. It would be better to put him on one of the uninhabited islands that doesn't even have a bridge.

                                                  • It's not nice to laugh at sick people. Perhaps C and fellow travelers should be re-settled on one of the Pacific atolls now going under. As the waters rise, they will enjoy snorkeling, surfing over degrading barrier reefs, and suntanning on wet sand, right til the last palm tree goes under.

                                                    • Arctic ice extent is currently - like today - at the lowest extent on record for the time of year.
                                                      And of course that means it's almost certainly at the lowest extent for this time of year for at least 8.000 years.

                                                      • So basically, in your response to CB, your argument is (paragraph by paragraph)
                                                        1. "despite what is obvious, I say no"
                                                        2. obviously wrong, yours was a response to SBarlow
                                                        3. name calling followed by accusation of name calling followed by an actual threat
                                                        4. chest beating (and if you know Carbonicus's history, self-unaware projection and hypocrisy)
                                                        btw, it wasn't an attempt to vilify, it was exposing your lies
                                                        You are such a master(d)bater!

                                                      • Avatar

                                                        You're just plain usual. Yawn.

                                                          • Your critical reasoning skills are really appalling. Your blather just shows how outdated and irrelevant your ideas are. However, not all is lost for you since irrelevance does not have to be permanent condition - a little reading and independent thought and research may just be your savior. In the high chance that you won't take that prescription I then have to say that I take great pleasure in knowing that you will never be satisfied - there will always be 'useful idiots' to haunt your dreams and turn the country you supposedly love into a place unrecognizable. I can't wait. The same goes for Little Johnson above.

                                                              • Hear, Hear.

                                                                  • 27 years in the environmental industry and almost 15 years studying the science behind this, Lars.

                                                                    You can continue to believe the propaganda the EU is pumping you full of. Eco-Socialism has its roots in the EU, so it's no wonder to me you've drunk your fill of the Kool Aid.

                                                                    The data doesn't lie, Lars. Here's what the world's leading data sets show: 18 - 23 years with no statistically significant global warming, depending on data set. These are not the data sets of the Koch brothers, Exxon, Atofina, they are from the NASA, NOAA, UK Met Office/Hadley Center, RSS, and UAH, the principle data sets used by all climate scientists. And the trend analysis isn't that of Heartland or the American Petroleum Institute, it is from Australian (Warmunist) climate scientist John Cook's website "" and his "SkyTrend" calculator.

                                                                    For RSS the warming is not statistically significant for over 23 years.
                                                                    For RSS: +0.120 +/-0.129 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1990
                                                                    For UAH the warming is not statistically significant for over 19 years.
                                                                    For UAH: 0.141 +/- 0.163 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1994
                                                                    For Hadcrut3 the warming is not statistically significant for over 19 years.
                                                                    For Hadcrut3: 0.091 +/- 0.110 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1994
                                                                    For Hadcrut4 the warming is not statistically significant for over 18 years.
                                                                    For Hadcrut4: 0.092 +/- 0.106 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1995
                                                                    For GISS the warming is not statistically significant for over 18 years.
                                                                    For GISS: 0.104 +/- 0.106 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1995
                                                                    For NOAA the warming is not statistically significant for over 18 years.
                                                                    For NOAA: 0.085 +/- 0.102 C/decade at the two sigma level from 1995

                                                                    If you want to know the times to the nearest month that the warming is not statistically significant for each set to their latest update, they are as follows:
                                                                    RSS since August 1989;
                                                                    UAH since June 1993;
                                                                    Hadcrut3 since August 1993;
                                                                    Hadcrut4 since July 1994;
                                                                    GISS since January 1995 and
                                                                    NOAA since June 1994.

                                                                    We have a new term for you people: "climate parasites".

                                                                      • Once again, you are
                                                                        1. cherry-picking time
                                                                        2. cherry-picking data sets
                                                                        3. not accounting for mechanism
                                                                        4. regurgitating propaganda
                                                                        How many times have you cut and paste this and every time come to the wrong conclusion? Polly wanna cracker?

                                                                          • Is cherry picking the 140 years coming out of the LIA cherry picking? Or is it just ok because of confirmation bias? You like to obliquely attack style rather than actual content. Why is that?

                                                                              • 1. I'm not accusing Carbuncle of what you say, I'm accusing him of cherry-picking the last "18-23" years (among other things). Nice red herring.
                                                                                2. Loaded question based on your conception of what the answer to the first question was.
                                                                                3. I am not attacking style, I am analyzing logic, or in Carbuncle's case, lack thereof.
                                                                                4. Another loaded question based on your conception of what the answer to the third question was.

                                                                                Did you see Spartacus? I ask this because your Gish Gallop and lack of logic puts you pretty much equal to Carbonicus. You can rightly say "I am Carbonicus!"

                                                                              • The overwhelming scientific consensus is that humans largely contribute to climate change. However, if you are faced with these 4 outcomes:

                                                                                the scientific community is right & we take the necessary measures to alleviate climate change: it could be expensive in the short run, but we would safely overcome the challenges with minimal climate & environmental disruption, and the overall financial benefits compared to
                                                                                doing nothing are likely to be very positive in the long run. The money we put up front will have been an
                                                                                excellent investment.

                                                                                The scientific community is wrong but we take those measures, anyway: it would be expensive, but there’d be many other benefits we’d gain: much less pollution, we’d continue to have a diverse flora & fauna, we’d still have most of our resources, we’d be much healthier, we’d likely have a healthier employment situation, a less uneven wealth distribution, etc. Again, an excellent investment.

                                                                                The scientific community is wrong & we don’t take those measures: we’d save some money in the short run, but our resources would be greatly depleted & therefore much more expensive; disputes over water & other resources would likely get steadily more frequent &
                                                                                violent, we’d have pollution of all kinds, our oceans would be dying, there’d be catastrophic extinction of plants & animals (already we’re experiencing one of the greatest mass extinctions in the history of this Earth due mainly to
                                                                                human activities), our overall health would likely decline, etc.

                                                                                The scientific community is right but we do nothing: then even more calamitous extinction; huge displacement of human populations; widespread conflict over our remaining resources, including water; widespread & uncontrollable disease; increasing crop failure; intolerable weather; gigantic destructive storms; possible extinction of the human species.

                                                                                So what is the best outcome?
                                                                                Actually, it’s #2: scientists are wrong but we take preventive measures – the response coal companies & other climate deniers are telling us not to take! . We would’ve put some money upfront, but the side benefits would be well worth it & we wouldn’t’ve had to go through some of the worsening effects of climate change that we feared were impending. #1 would be the 2nd
                                                                                best outcome, because although we go through some tough times weathering through some of the effects of climate change that appear sure to come no matter what we do, we will have survived & overcome our greatest world climate threat we’ve ever faced. Even
                                                                                though it seems to be the industrialists’ dream, #3 is only 3rd best result for humankind, because although we wouldn’t face the climate challenges (beyond the normal cycles we’ve always faced), we’d still be a much worse place due to widespread pollution, resource depletion, wildlife extinction, etc., which would eventually take us down, anyway, even without being pushed on by climate change. Of course, #4 would be the worst. Conclusion: we must take the (now urgent & drastic) measures necessary to combat climate change & environmental degradation, whether 97%+ of the scientists are correct, or certain powerful, superwealthy fossil fuel & chemical industries such as Koch, Exxon, Monsanto & Dow are correct.

                                                                                No matter which side is right, taking these measures is clearly the prudent course to take. The longer we wait, the more expensive it will be and the more we will suffer.

                                                                                Even if these outcomes were considered to have equal
                                                                                possibility (they’re not: the probabilities overwhelmingly favor #1 or #4, depending on our action or inaction), and even if you didn’t care about maintaining animal & plant diversity, a pleasant environment, clean air, clean water, your own personal health & longevity to say nothing about other people’s (because if you were this way, you wouldn’t care about other people), but only about getting rich, any reasonable businessman, in order to insure himself from the worst consequences, which would be so dire that the differences among the other outcomes become trivial, would choose to take appropriate measures to tackle this possible climate change challenge.

                                                                                  • So even if scientists are wrong, investing in clean energy now will be worth it for cleaner air, water, and landscape, and more plentiful supplies of all resources including air, water, and land, and energy, so we have less to fight each other about. BUT too big to fail fossil fuel firms will NOT be able to make such obscene profits cornering the energy market. They have HUGE political power and will NOT stand for that. So how much will we have to bribe fossil fuel firms in the form of buying their fossil fuel reserves as mineral rights to get their permission to go ahead and invest in clean energy?

                                                                                      • Well-stated, but I fear too many words for some to wade through.
                                                                                        'Cosmos' is returning.
                                                                                        I remember the nights I walked my dog under the stars and it finally dawned on me how insignificant we all are, and the earth is, in the universe. We humans and our concerns are less than dust on the top of the furniture.
                                                                                        So, if humans survive, some of them will be fortunate, others unlucky (nothing new there); if they don't, what's the difference? Not even noticeable in the universe.
                                                                                        'Cosmos' will again put it all in perspective for another generation.
                                                                                        If the dribble of the willfully ignorant is not attended to, no one will notice them anymore.

                                                                                        • 23 years is so insignificant a time as to be a joke.
                                                                                          If you had a strong argument, you would not have to depend on name-calling and insults.
                                                                                          How about this one......"comment parasites."

                                                                                        • Trolls... Heh...Sociopathic sadists....

                                                                                          • To lazy to go to Google Earth and check it out? Much easier to just be a Heckle&Jeckle for the Reich wing huh?

                                                                                              • Wow! You're one of the biggest dumbasses I've see here to date! When the northern passage was nearly completely freed of ice last year? Now countries are squabbling over who owns these regions of the world that were completely impassable before and expected to be more passable next year! How stupid can you be?

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